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Untitled 1

This artwork marks my first departure from focusing solely on exploring emotions to examining human behavior within today's societal framework. A monstrous figure, representing those in positions of power and capital, stands over a sea of people depicted in agonizing, hanging postures. This portrays those excluded from privilege yet relentlessly chasing after it. Creating this piece made me reflect on whether a lifetime pursuit isn't just following in the footsteps of others without real progress—a stagnant state of mechanical pursuit. The multiple-faced head appeared in my previous works, however, this artwork symbolizes not just chaotic thoughts as I previously explored, but the overwhelming influx of information thrust upon us, akin to an insatiable monster looming tall. This metaphorical shift also reflects the rapid evolution of my ideas in artistic creation and my desire to encourage viewers to take more time to independently interpret a piece before embracing the artist's perspective.

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